Product Overview
Based in Chiapas, Mexico, Maya Vinic is composed of 656 farmer families who joined together after the 1997 Acteal massacre that took the lives of 45 of their community members. Inspired by the traditions of their ancestors, Maya Vinic operates with a respect for local language and culture, and a reverence for Mother Earth and traditional forms of self government. Farmers are based in the municipalities of Chenalhó, Pantelhó and Chalchihuitán.Cafe Campesino began sourcing coffee from Maya Vinic in 2002, when the cooperative exported its first container of coffee under fair-trade terms. We have always been inspired by the resilience, diligence and commitment to community Maya Vinic farmers have shown. In the past 17 years, we have seen the quality of Maya Vinic coffee excel, while cooperative leadership remained committed to getting more money back to farmer members. Maya Vinic now roasts and sells its coffee throughout Mexico, as well as from its own coffee shop in San Cristobal de las Casas.
Learn more about Maya Vinic.